
  Crush Your Presentations in 2024 with Fluent Speech! Become the Best Sounding Speaker Ever When You Take This Online Course!

Be Understood: The Ultimate Guide For Speaking Fluent English (a 12-Part Course)


Clear, understandable speech is the most captivating and most effective tool for you to make more money and to get offered more opportunities in the workplace. Now is the time for you to be the best communicator!

What would it feel like if you never had to repeat yourself again? Or if others would stop translating your messages for you? Or if people understood you the first time?  

If that sounds like something you wish to have, then this message is for you.

I'm Lynda Stucky,

CEO of ClearlySpeaking

Over the past 30 years, I've worked with hundreds of non-native English speakers who are emerging leaders in executive suites from all over the world. 

These leaders all had one common complaint: to be better understood.  So, I decide to create an online course to help as many aspiring leaders as I could.

The Fastest Way for You to Speak Like a Native!

Many people are intimidated by the idea of learning the intricacies of American English... and maybe you feel the same way. Isn't it too complicated, too technical, too time consuming? It's time to realize that this represents a massive advantage for you, if you learn and use the simple techniques for creating intelligible speech, you will gain an edge over all of your competition!

What You'll Discover in this 12-Part Course:

  • The Best Rate of Speech
    Learn the rate of speech that is best for you to be 100% intelligible.
  • The Rarely Taught Technique that is Crucial for Understandable Speech
    Learn about the one aspect of speech that is extremely important, but completely overlooked by language schools.
  • The Recipe for Smooth, Natural Sounding Speech
    Talk like a native by using three very subtle techniques.
  • The Speaking Advantage
    See how you can put them all together to get people to pay attention to you when you speak.

What Others Are Saying:

"I didn't realize how difficult my speech was to understand until I asked a customer for feedback about his reasons for choosing another company to do business with.  I was shocked to hear that my customer was unhappy with our communication.  He told me that it was a struggle to understand me and he wasn't certain about whether he heard me correctly.  He said he felt bad every time he asked me to repeat.  Now I rarely have to repeat or I know what I have to adjust when someone doesn't understand me."

"At my last performance evaluation at work, I scored 'meets expectations' or 'above expectations' on every single aspect of my job performance except those related to my communication skills. My employer told me that I would have a hard time moving into a higher level at work (despite my great training and expertise) if my communications skills did not improve. Many people couldn't understand me and it was affecting my relationships with my colleagues and supervisor and anyone else who had contact with me. My next review is coming up and I feel confident my boss will be giving me much better scores on communication "

"This course has taught me a lot about English, and now I am capable to talk to people by phone and face-to-face and to negotiate and reach agreement and closing deals in my daily routine."

Pronunciation and Fluency are the Top Reasons for Being Misunderstood If Grammar is in Place.

And difficulties in fluency of speech are more likely to affect the overall intelligibility.  Let’s face it, most people who have a good grasp of the language don’t usually have  that many pronunciation errors.  This course will help you speak more confidently by understanding American English high level skills which contribute to speaking fluently.

What are the criteria of knowing if this course is right for you? (Don’t buy this course if you don’t meet this criteria!)

1. You have a good grasp of the English language. You probably make some minor errors but for the most part, you can formulate sentences with ease. If you are not able to formulate sentences, you are not ready for this high level course.

2. You are aware that people have a difficult time understanding you. For example, people ask you to repeat frequently. Not sure if this is true? Keep track of the number of times people ask you to repeat in a day. Or they are leaning in or cocking their head when you speak. Watch and listen in dialogues with others the clues that your listener is struggling. If it is happening more than 2-3 times in even five minutes, ask your listener about it.

3. Others translate your message for you.  You say it once. Then some well-meaning colleague jumps and says it again, "Just to clarify..." 

4. Commitment to practice the activities that are suggested every single day.

5. You have answered the following questions honestly:

a. What’s in it for me? If you change your speech so that you are better understood, what’s in for you? Will you get a promotion? Make more money? Improve your relationships?

b. What’s in for your employer? Will your employer benefit in some way? Will it increase their bottom line?

c. What in it for your customers? Will you improve your relationships? Will the fact that your company is doing better because of your speech skills, look good for the community?  Will customers give you more business instead of going somewhere else?  Keeping business local is very advantageous!

Only $197  for 12 Lessons!

               Need more information?  Book a call to learn more  

Here's what you are going to learn in 12  short weeks....

This ecourse includes 12 weekly  lessons that are jam packed with valuable information on speaking American English intonation and fluency patterns. You will receive:

  • Lessons that address a new concept and skill.
  • Lots of practice materials to do on your own time.
  • Over 65 recordings to listen to and imitate!
  • Videos that compliment  the lessons.
  • Strategies to get your new skills into conversational speech.
  • A pre and post-training audio to compare and hear your improvement!

Here is a sneak peek of what Be Understood! contains:

Lesson 1: A Cool Tool for Speaking Fluent English: Relaxation is Essential (includes my MP3 downloadable relaxation recording!)

Lesson 2: Finding the Rate of Speech that is Unique to You

Lesson 3: How to Make Pausing Work for You

Lesson 4: Putting Stress on Syllables is Tricky Business

Lesson 5: Mastering the Art of Stress in Sentences

Lesson 6: Amazing Solutions for Intonation

Lesson 7: Your Must Know Guide for Linking Words

Lesson 8: More Secrets to Successful Linking

Lesson 9: Time Tested Tips for Improving Intelligibility

Lesson 10: Quick Tips on "Deletions" to Use Now!

Lesson 11: The Complete Guide for Putting Endings on Words

Lesson 12: The Last Word on Fluency: Putting It All Together!

This ecourse is for individuals with high level grammar skills and minimal pronunciation errors.

If you are still difficult to understand despite good grammar and you are frequently asked to repeat or you notice blank stares from your listener.

Only $197 for all 12 Lessons (that's just over $16 a lesson!)

That's thousands of dollars less than working with an accent coach in person.  With the high value materials that you will receive and the monthly group coaching sessions, this course is a STEAL! Not to mention that you will get a pre-and post-training audio of your speech to measure your success AND a 1/2 hour session with an expert to give you feedback, encouragement or teaching!

Ready to Get Started?  Click the button to pay. Your first lesson will arrive immediately and then every 7 days later.

· You’ll be able to access these lessons from the comfort of your office or home!

· You’ll be able to do the lessons anytime of the day!

· You will take you speech to a new level and be understood more often and with better results almost immediately when you practice!

Buy here and begin to begin the program.  Each week, you will receive a new lesson to read (with video) and all of your practice materials. 

The exercises have helped to relax my articulators. I especially like the deep pressure massage for my check muscles and opening my mouth and bringing my head back and then cover my upper lip with my lower lip. For those two exercises, I can feel the pull and the tense muscles relax.  Thank you for a wonderful program.

Kadisha Currie

What Will You Accomplish?

[s3mv fileName='beunderstoodecourse/WhatWillYouAccomplish' fileType='video' source='s3' width='350' height='197' splashImage='https://clearly-speaking.com/video/faq/FAQ3.jpg' preLoad='Y' autoPlay='N' belowVideoHTML='' cuePoint='' redirectURL='' pauseAtCuePoint='N' fixedSizeVideo='Y' ]

Why Clearly Speaking

[s3mv fileName='beunderstoodecourse/WhyClearlySpeaking.mp4' fileType='video' source='s3' width='350' height='197' splashImage='https://clearly-speaking.com/video/faq/FAQ1.jpg' preLoad='Y' autoPlay='N' belowVideoHTML='' cuePoint='' redirectURL='' pauseAtCuePoint='N' fixedSizeVideo='Y' ]

12-point Checklist

[s3mv fileName='beunderstoodecourse/ChecklistForMasteringSubtleDifferencesOfAmericanEnglish.mp4' fileType='video' source='s3' width='350' height='229' splashImage='https://clearly-speaking.com/video/faq/checklist.png' preLoad='Y' autoPlay='N' belowVideoHTML='' cuePoint='' redirectURL='' pauseAtCuePoint='N' fixedSizeVideo='Y' ]

Need to speak with someone first? Schedule a call.
