Don't Struggle Wondering if your Foreign Accent was Difficult to understand or not
Master your English Pronunciation Skills so that you are confident Every Time you open your mouth to Speak

Mobile-Friendly, Spoken English Training From Carnegie Speech
NativeAccent is the best tool to modify your accent for leaders who wish to be better understood personally and professionally
with as little as 15 minutes of daily practice!

Here's what is included:
- 1An extensive software platform that uses patented Speech Recognition and Machine Learning
- 2Trains you to pronounce English words and phrases and gives immediate feedback so that you don't struggle knowing if you said it correctly or not. It's like having a speech coach right there with you.
- 3Individualized curriculum developed just for you based on the initial assessment and your first language (63 first langauges are available).
- 4Prioritized English pronunciation training so that you can focus on speaking skills in pronunciation, word stress, fluency (connected speech) and spoken English grammar
- 5Rapid-Method Training with decreased training time and Cost Effective with up to 10x return on investment.
- 6Weekly emails to remind you of your active learning time.
- 7Delivered globally on the Amazon Cloud.
What People Are Saying About

“Understand my thoughts.”
"Before I took this class it was hard for native speakers to understand my opinions but now they can understand my thoughts."

“Negotiate, reach agreement and close deals"
“This course has taught me a lot about English, and now I am capable to talk to people by phone and face-to-face and to negotiate and reach agreement and closing deals in my daily routine."

“Useful for everyday life."
“It helps you to pronounce common words. It's useful for everyday life."

This software was designed to assess, diagnose, and train English verbal fluency skills for non-native speakers.
Results are measurable, objective and proven.
People who modified their accent say this:

“I was shocked to hear that my customer was unhappy with our communication..."
“I didn't realize how difficult my speech was to understand until I asked a customer for feedback about his reasons for choosing another company to do business with. I was shocked to hear that my customer was unhappy with our communication. He told me that it was a struggle to understand me and he wasn't certain about whether he heard me correctly. He said he felt bad every time he asked me to repeat. Now I rarely have to repeat or I know what I have to adjust when someone doesn't understand me."

“People couldn't understand me."
“At my last performance evaluation at work, I scored 'meets expectations' or 'above expectations' on every single aspect of my job performance except those related to my communication skills. My employer told me that I would have a hard time moving into a higher level at work (despite my great training and expertise) if my communications skills did not improve. Many people couldn't understand me and it was affecting my relationships with my colleagues and supervisor and anyone else who had contact with me. My next review is coming up and I feel confident my boss will be giving me much better scores on communication"
What does it take?
Lynda Stucky
Instructor of Native Accent
Certified and Licensed
About Your Instructor
Over the past 30 years, I've worked with hundreds of non-native English speakers who are emerging leaders in executive suites from all over the world. These leaders all had one common complaint: to be better understood. So, I decided to create an online program using NativeAccent4 so that I can help as many aspiring leaders as I possible.
It's The Fastest Way I Know For You To Speak Like A Native!
Still on the Fence?
We understand. Does it work? Will I get a return on my investment? What's the difference between one-on-one coaching and this training? These questions and more (See FAQ below) are good ones and we are glad that you asked! We'll address a few really important questions here.
Does is really work?
Yes, just take a look at this chart. Just like developing any new skill, results are dependent on the amount of time you put into it. But there are no limitations using this software (you can't practice too much) and you can have access for a full year!

Differences Between in-person one-on-one coaching vs. NativeAccent online training and group coaching
One-on-one coaching
Just take a peek inside!
Here's What You Get:

Only $349 for all of the above!

Take a quick look at the student-user experience on your computer, tablet, or phone. We want you to be happy and like the program so I created a way for you to try it for free. You'll take an assessment and get a few lessons to try out for free based on your errors. Be sure you have a free hour to try it completely.
Most importantly, we want you get the help you want and need from place that feels comfortable.

Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to do to make progress
What do I do if I need to contact someone?
Do you have technology support?
Why ClearlySpeaking?
How often do I need to practice?
Will I receive software updates?
Will I receive one-on-one coaching?
Communication is a skill that you can learn. It's like riding a bicycle or typing. If you're willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life.
--Brian Tracy

Fine-tuning your English skills so that you are easy to understand is a great way to gain credibility and respect.
Unfortunately, if you are hard to understand, you will be perceived as less credible. And here's why...a research study concluded that when people who are difficult to understand, the listener grows weary of trying to translate the message in their head. As they begin to think about what was just said and what it means, the listener stops listening to the speaker because they are still translating. But the speaker may continue to talk! This situation becomes tiring for the listener during a conversation or presentation because of the amount of work it is.
Keep in may be the smartest person in the room, too, but if you aren't understood, it won't sound like it. And once your listener is no longer listening to you, you are no longer credible.
How a Senior Level Executive (who was difficult to understand) became Understandable in a Short Period of Time
Sandeep told me that if he has to repeat himself one more time, he's going to scream!
Sandeep's frustration is what landed him with a new coach. He just knew that he had to work on his communication skills if he wanted to stand out from the crowd at his organization.
Sandeep (not his real name) was a brilliant software developer. His high level of technical knowledge was leading him on the path of becoming a manager and director of his company. His aspirations were very high and he knew that he was on the right track. But there was one problem, at the managerial level, Sandeep reported to various people including his direct reports, at staff meetings and to his bosses.
Sandeep didn't mind the presenting at staff meetings so much but he noticed that people were clarifying information for him after he spoke. Additionally, Sandeep had to repeat this message frequently. His native tongue was Hindi and even though he had an excellent grasp of the English language, he spoke extremely fast. Not only did he speak very quickly, but he pronounced syllables wrong in his words.
Sandeep’s intelligibility was moderately low amongst his peers, amongst the people who reported to him, and those to whom he reported. When Sandeep met people for the first time, his intelligibility was even lower.
Sandeep had 3 types of errors that needed to be Developed
He spoke at airplane speed.
The melody of his speech was choppy.
He pronounced key American English sounds incorrectly.
The Overall goal of Training: Increase Sandeep's Intelligibility
Here's what training focused on:
Sandeep had all the traits required to make progress
And His Hard Work Paid Off!
Sandeep was able to accomplish his goals in a short period of time in most of the conversations that he engaged in. Work was still needed in the area of stressful, high-stakes conversations but he consistently accomplished his goals in all other conversations.
He was given new responsibilities at work that involved more communication opportunities. Three months post training, he reported that he no longer avoided situations or people and felt confident about pronouncing words with the correct syllable stress and the key sounds he improved understanding significantly. People at work were not asking him to repeat and his phone conversations were so much better. He was even slowly incorporating strategies into stressful, highly charged conversations.
It's Time to Eliminate Unclear and Difficult to Understand Speech
Become the Leader In Your Organization That You Want To Be
An important piece of being a respected leader requires speaking skills that rock. You must not only have the right content but also be able to deliver it in compelling ways. Clear diction and pronunciation are key components of a delivery style that gets people to listen to you. Let us help you achieve your very best!
Just $349 for a full year of access!
Clear, Understandable Speech is the Most Effective Tool For You in the Workplace
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