Clearly Speaking
Clearly Speaking

How To Slow Your Rate of Speech

Little Know Ways to Slow Down


Course details

Are you having difficulty not getting your point across?  Maybe you aren’t understood and have to repeat yourself frequently.  Maybe you’ve gotten feedback about talking too fast. 

This is not uncommon and you are not alone.  Lots of people speak to quickly. But when important messages need to be conveyed, the last thing you want to do is talk to fast.  You run the risk of people not understanding your message!  I know that you have important message so don’t ruin it by being a fast talker. 

I ask my audiences every time I present about perceptions around our speech, language and voice skills. The top three perceptions people tell me that they perceive fast talkers are:

  • This person is in a hurry and doesn’t have time for me.
  • This person is nervous and tense.
  • This person is intense.

If these perceptions are not the perceptions you want others to have of you, you need to make sure that you are speaking slowly, comfortably and relaxed so that you are putting your listeners at ease.  You will sound polished and gain recognition for the impact you have on others.

Let me help through the process of developing the habit of speaking more slowly so that you can have greater impact in the world around you. 

In this short course you will learn:

  • The rate of speech that works the best for speaking.  Let me give you a hint, it’s measured in words per minute.
  • Three exceptional strategies to slow down. Use just one of them or use all three. 
  • A systematic way of incorporating this new habit into your conversation. Let’s face it…changing a habit isn’t always easy.  The new skill is easy…its getting it to stick that isn’t.  I’ll help you find a way to go from learning the new skill to getting it to be automatic.

Join the ranks of people who have developed a slower rate using a 30-day plan with 10 minute daily tasks so that sound polished, comfortable, and in control of your rate of speech.  Your listener will thank you for it and it will help you become a more impactful communicator.

Sign-up below.

Skills covered in this course

  1. How to speak at the rate that is right for you.
  2. How to change your rate using three different methods.
  3. How to systematically slow down in every conversation, presentation or discussion you are a part of so that you are relaxed and in control.

Only $49.95


Awareness Training

  • Awareness Training Video 4:37
  • Rate of Speech Handout
  • Rainbow Passage Practice

3 Methods To Slow Down

  • 3 Methods To Slow Down Video 9:53

Use Slower Rate In Conversation

  • Use Slower Rate In Conversation Video 3:25