The Multiple Personalities of the American English /t/

Letter T

Course details

Did you know that the American /t/ sound takes on different personalities depending on the placement of the /t/ in the word? Can you identify the sound based on the spellings around it?

Sometimes it is pronounced with a strong puff of air, and sometimes it is quiet and inhibited. Other times it is made more in the throat. American English has many different pronunciations of /t/! Do you know them all?

If you did know them all and used them correctly, would you be better understood?

Absolutely! But some of them are more important to produce correctly than others.

In this short course you will learn:

How to have greater impact in conversation by pronouncing the different /t/ variations.

The different pronunciations of the /t/ sound associated with the spelling.

To recognize the most important circumstances where producing the /t/ sound correctly is most important to your intelligibility.

Be aware of situations where the /t/ isn’t pronounced like a /t/ at all.

Understand the common mistakes associated with this sound that will compromise your intelligibility.

Accomplish your professional goals by learning to say this sound correctly in all situations to aid in your speech intelligibility.

This course includes:

  • Techniques to help you be better understood so that you can speak with confidence and ease.
  • Video lesson (listen to the lesson over and over.)
  • Audio practice (to listen and repeat to learn the lesson accurately)
  • Hand-outs and a practice schedule to master the skills taught.
  • Only $49.95!


    Multiple Personalities of the American English Letter /t/

    Lesson /t/ video

    /t/ Sound in Isolation and Contrast

    /t/Sound Practice video

    Word and Sentence Practice

    Tongue Twisters

    /t/ Sound Tongue Twister Video

    Paragraph Reading

    /t/ Sound Reading Video

    Conversational Speech

    Bonus Material
