Clearly Speaking
Clearly Speaking

Interruptions are Annoying

annoyedDoes it ever feel like you are interrupted by your colleagues? Are others being more assertive and talking over you even when it should be your turn? If it happens frequently, make the following checks on your communication to determine why it is happening.

First of all, does it take you a while to make a point? Learning to get to the point quickly is a skill busy leaders need to master. Some non-native English speakers struggle to make a point because they lack the vocabulary. You may need to work on vocabulary building activities first.

Secondly, is your vocabulary colorful and interesting? And do you use vocal pitch variety? Monotonous sounding speech is tiring to listen to and doesn’t command attention or give you credibility.

And thirdly, are others speaking when you stop to take your breath? Many people are interrupted when they take a breath and there are listeners who grab that second of quiet space to interrupt. Since most of us pause to breathe at punctuation (even in conversation), do something out of the ordinary and a little bit unexpected to the listener. Pause for a breath in the middle of your sentence instead of at the end. It will take practice to keep it from sounding artificial but the listener is less likely to interrupt if you pause in the middle. Try saying this paragraph and take a breath at each of the slash marks.

If you are having problems with people talking over you// even when it should be your turn practice pausing for a breath// in the middle of your sentence instead of at the end. It will take practice to keep it from sounding artificial// but the listener is less likely to interrupt // if you pause in the middle of sentences.


Do you ever feel like you need some help getting the kind of communication skills that brand you just the way you want?  We’d love to talk to you if you do.  Schedule a free strategy call today!


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