Clearly Speaking
Clearly Speaking

Posts Tagged ‘enunciation’


The Key to Your Career Advancement

A “Polished Speaker” Always Does This!

microphone_speakerDo you want to be called a “Polished Speaker?”  One characteristic of a polished speaker is enunciating clearly!

The acceptable pronunciation of any word is determined exclusively by its usage in the general population. But a dictionary can be a valuable tool to learn how to pronounce words. Pronunciation in the dictionary is represented by symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). If you’re not familiar with IPA, each symbol in the IPA stands for one sound. This is different from our regular alphabet in which one symbol stands for many sounds. For instance, the sound /a/ can be produced as in bad, bade, and ball. Mastering the IPA system will assist you in many ways, particularly when you need to look up a word.

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