Clearly Speaking
Clearly Speaking

Posts Tagged ‘increase resonance’

increase resonance

The Key to Your Career Advancement

Use the “megaphone trick” to improve the way that you sound!

You’ve heard the expression “kill two birds with one stone” (meaning solving several problems with just one action). I have a speech trick so tremendous that not only does this trick kill two birds with one stone, it kills about five (metaphorically, of course, because I love birds!) What five areas of speech and voice does it help with, you ask?

Here is the list…

Volume–how loudly you speak

Rate–how quickly you talk

Diction–how sharply you pronounce vowels and consonants

Resonance–how full and rich sounding you sound

Intonation–how vocally expressive you are.

Use the megaphone trick to improve the way that you sound! Let me first explain the theory behind the trick: 

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