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Posts Tagged ‘Regional accent’

Regional accent

The Key to Your Career Advancement

The Regional Accent of Picksburgers

350px-Pittsburgh_skyline_viewIn my area of the country (Pittsburgh, PA), we have a very special way of talking. People born and raised here have an unusual accent known as “Pittsburghese.” People who are not from this area instantly hear this accent and detect differences that include: word and phrase substitutions; inaccurate vowel pronunciation; and use of non-standard grammar.

One of the most obvious hallmarks of Pittsburghese is the way the vowel /ow/ is pronounced. This particular vowel is actually two vowels that glide together to make a new sound called a diphthong. In this case, the two vowels are /ah/ as in “pot” and /o/ as in “joke.” Say the two vowels slowly and you will make the /ow/ sound as in “out.” In Pittsburghese, the second sound is omitted so the word “down” sounds like “dahn.”

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