Clearly Speaking
Clearly Speaking

The Perceptions of a Foreign Accent

Speaking with a foreign accent that is difficult to understand is unfortunately perceived negatively even if you are the smartest person in the room.  Research shows us why…

As with any communication exchange that is difficult to understand whether it is because of an accent (regional or local), mumbling, soft volume, or even difficult content your listener will try to ask for clarification or ask you to repeat only so many times.  Then, “listening exhaustion” sets in because the listener must translate in his/her head what they think you just said. Or they are forced to ask you to repeat. what you just said.  It may not sound like a big deal but it creates weariness and the person listening does a funny thing after a while: stop listening.  The listener may also avoid conversations and reduce interactions with you.

If people stop listening, you’ve lost credibility even though you know the most about the topic.

From your point of view, you know that having to repeat yourself is a real annoyance and aggravation.  You also grow tired of having to repeat yourself and you may not understand why your listener can’t understand you!  Afterall, your grasp of the American English language is really good! Furthermore, you may not know what area you could work on to improve.  Is pronunciation the problem?  The rate of speech? The rhythm and melody of English? Or something else?  You may also be avoiding social interactions with people who might not understand you.

These kinds of obstacles can adversely impact your confidence, your job performance, opportunities for career advancement and everyday life interactions. We understand the difficult this is causing you and we invite you to check out our free video course, The Three Best Skills to Master to Be Understood.

It helps busy professionals like you bolster your communication skills- and in turn, enhance your professional relationships and advance career opportunities. Find your voice, gain confidence with a speaking style that is easy to understand!  Sign-up today!

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