Clearly Speaking
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Avoid Cross Cultural Communication Breakdowns: Understand Language Differences

Behind the need to communicateWhen it comes to understanding someone who is from another culture who has a strong foreign accent, how do we listen more effectively to assure that the exchange is successful? Both the listener and the speaker are responsible for making sure that each party has understood. Both the listener and the speaker can use strategies to improve the situation. Here is a tip for the listener who is listening to the hard-to-understand person:

Be educated about the differences between languages. Certain languages have characteristics that are unique to that language. Since a language learner adapts what he knows about his language onto the new language, real differences in the way words are spoken occur. This fact can make the second language learner difficult to understand and can be a distraction to our ears.

There are many languages that don’t sound at all as rhythmic and melodious as English.

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How to Craft Messages that Resonate with Your Audiences

thumbs-up-or-downWith the US political campaign season coming to a close, you may have noticed that a stark difference in communication styles exists between the top two candidates.  Each candidate resonates with some audiences but not with others. This fact verifies what you already know: you can’t please everyone with your style. Often times when I give examples of style differences at my workshops, I hear complete opposite reactions to the same voice. One person loves the way a speaker communicates and someone else hates it. This dichotomy presents an interesting challenge for you, because as an executive speaker who is trying to resonate with your audience, you know that there are audience members that you just won’t be able to reach. 

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Olympians Shouldn’t Be the Only Ones to Get a Gold Medal This Winter

Have you been as riveted as I have been to the television as the winter Olympics unfold? There is nothing like an evening spent watching these great athletes with the fireplace roaring and a warm cup of tea in my hands. I love to watch the couples dance on ice and the aerial events; my husband prefers hockey or downhill skiing. The athletes’ stories of courage, hard work, determination, and overcoming obstacles is a clear indication of how their success didn’t occur in a straight path upward.

But why should all the much earned glory, and more importantly, those coveted gold medals go to those we see on TV? Don’t you deserve your own gold medal this winter? I sure think so. And that’s why I’m sending you a gold meda–to remind you that this is a great time to go for the gold!  O.K. a photo isn’t as fancy as one of the 259 medal sets that will be awarded this month but I wanted to do something to get your attention.

Here are a three areas of communication that are the gold standard to strive towards to develop your leadership skills:

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Wondering if a Coach is Right for YOU?

Recently, I came to a cross roads in my career.  I felt unsure and alone with a big decision I was trying to make.  After pondering over my situation for several weeks, I decided to hire a career coach to help me figure out what to do next.  I’ll be the first to admit that I was relieved that someone else was going to chime in with some objective advice about my situation. It was freeing to hear options that I hadn’t even considered because I was limiting myself to believe that I only had two options.  Through the hard work of examining my goals and what’s important to me and why, I was able to come up with a solution that feels good.  I am motivated now to make my new reality work just because my coach helped me examine my priorities.

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Be a Fearless Soul

When I first started road biking in 2016, I loved the feeling of freedom when the air passed my wet skin and became a natural air conditioner.  I also loved to ride downhills at a very fast speed.  It was an incredible thrill to let go and fly down those hills.  It was truly exhilarating!

One of most exhilarating rides was when I reached 51 MPH going down a steep hill. 

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